AI-generated PMH Summaries

No need to read through their notes, faxes and electronic health records separately anymore— Streamlining Information Extraction and Processing for Optimal Care

At MDBee, we understand that information overload can hinder your ability to provide efficient and effective patient care. Our platform simplifies the process of accessing and understanding medical information from different resources, ensuring that you have all the key insights at your fingertips. Discover the power of customized summaries tailored to your specialty and personalized for each patient.

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Comprehensive Bullet-Point Summaries

Export customizable summaries that condense complex medical records into concise, easy-to-understand information.

 Focused Labs and Radiology Summaries

Take a deeper dive into the diagnostic reports and labs of the patient through our generated without opening a single report from the EHR.

Brief 2-Sentence 


Take a glimpse of the patient's customized brief 2-sentence summary to refresh your memory without having to scroll through endless records.

Interval Changes Since Last Visit

Stay up-to-date on changes in a patient's condition since their last visit, enabling targeted and proactive care.

Trust MDBee to provide you with precise and dependable summaries to support your clinical decision-making.

Our AI-driven platform employs state-of-the-art models like GPT-4 and Language Models (LLMs), which have undergone rigorous validation processes to ensure accuracy and reliability.